

  • As your due date nears your baby settles deeper into your pelvis. You may feel increasing pressure on your bladder but less pressure on your diaphragm, relieving shortness of breath that you may have been experiencing.
  • 你的宫颈逐渐变软, 缩短, 在准备分娩时变瘦, a process called "effacement" (also "ripening" or "cervical thinning").
  • You may experience Braxton Hicks contractions—irregular, unpredictable, nonrhythmic contractions.
  • Hours, days, or even weeks before labor, the mucous plug in the cervix is expelled. It will look clear, slightly pink or blood-tinged, and have a stringy or sticky texture.


  • Early in labor, it is not necessary to rush to the hospital. 记录宫缩.
  • 呼叫 your doctor when your contractions are about 8 minutes apart and last longer than 30 seconds.
  • 当你去医院的时候, 在接待处登记, located just inside the main entrance on the third floor. (If you arrive between 8:30 PM and 6 AM, use the Emergency 服务 entrance on the second floor.)


  • Our birthing parent and baby rooms have state-of-the-art birthing beds and are fully equipped to ensure a safe delivery in a comfortable, 舒适的环境.
  • 在你办理登机手续后, you'll be taken to your personal parent and baby room, where your nurse will assess the condition of you and baby and review your birth plan.
  • 阴道分娩, 亚博电竞 offers a range of options for managing pain during labor and delivery. Let us know how we can help—whether it's giving a massage, 告诉你会发生什么, 或者提供药物治疗.
  • 如果你计划剖宫产, your support person will change into scrub clothing and you'll be taken to 生育中心 30 minutes before your scheduled delivery time.
  • 无论你的分娩是自发的还是计划好的, we're eager to help make it special for you and your family.

One expectant parent out of every four gives birth via cesarean delivery-through an incision in the abdominal wall and uterus rather than through the vagina.

These guidelines explain what to expect if you are scheduled for a cesarean.


  • 术前8小时不进食.
  • Clear liquids only until 2 hours before the scheduled surgery time.
  • 禁止吸烟.
  • Unless instructed by your physician, no medication after midnight.
  • Check in at Admitting, located just inside the hospital main entrance on the third floor. You will be taken to the 生中心 on the second floor.

          订于 登记在
    7:15 AM 5:30 AM
    8:30 AM 6:30 AM
  • 在生育中心, 你会被带到你的房间, 你的护士会给你做身体检查.
  • You and your support person will be given identification bracelets.


  • 你的护士会和你一起检查你的分娩计划.
  • 护理人员会开始给你静脉注射.
  • Your support person will change into operating room clothing.


  • If another parent is experiencing a complicated delivery your scheduled cesarean may be delayed. This does not happen often, but it is important to be aware of the possibility.


  • 我们鼓励你在别人的帮助下经常散步. 散步会帮助你康复. 计划一天在大厅里走几次.
  • 大多数时候, medicine you receive during surgery will help control pain for 12 to 18 hours after surgery.
  • Acetaminophen and ibuprofen will be your main pain medicines. 阿片类药物只在需要时才会被给予. 

Download Valley's 准备aring for Your C-Section Guide.

The nurses and doctors at 生育中心 at 亚博电竞 are ready to help you manage pain in a variety of ways—whether it's giving a massage, providing information so you know better what to expect, 或者为你提供安全, 分娩时的短效止痛药. 疼痛控制是你护理的一个重要部分. Please tell us if you are having pain or if your pain medications are not working for you.

Analgesics are medications that relieve pain or raise a person's threshold for pain tolerance. Analgesics are usually given through an IV by your nurse and can be administered more than once until the later stages of labor (when you are pushing or delivery is near).

Anesthetics are substances that produce a loss of sensation. "Regional" anesthetics are used to numb a particular area of the body. The most common regional anesthetics used in childbirth are:


  • 有效的,非麻醉的疼痛管理.
  • 在床上或坐着时自行服用.
  • Safe for Mom and baby, does not affect labor progression.
  • May be used before an epidural or other pain-relief option.
  • 一氧化二氮适合你吗?  


  • 用于主动分娩期间.
  • Injected into the lower back or through a catheter (a very small plastic tube) placed in your back by an anesthesiologist.
  • Takes 10 to 15 minutes to begin relieving discomfort and affects the area between your waist and toes.
  • 患者控制的硬膜外麻醉也是可行的. With this type, you press a button to give yourself a controlled amount of medication.


  • 主要用于剖宫产.
  • 由麻醉师注射到下背部.
  • Takes 3 to 5 minutes to begin working and lasts 1 to 2 hours, 影响你的腰和脚之间的区域.


  • Used for discomfort during an "assisted" delivery (when forceps or vacuum are needed). 不阻断收缩疼痛吗.
  • Injected in the top of the vagina by the doctor who is delivering the baby.
  • 上班需要2到5分钟. Lasts about an hour and affects only the vagina and perineum.


  • 用于产后会阴切开术修复.
  • Injected in the perineum by the doctor who is delivering the baby.
  • Takes about 2 minutes to work and lasts about 20 minutes. 麻痹会阴.


Valley Anesthesia Associates provides anesthesia services at 亚博电竞. You will receive a separate bill from them for your anesthesia costs. If your health insurance covers obstetrical services, it will usually cover obstetrical anesthesia. However, we recommend you that call your insurance provider to verify coverage.

For more information about anesthesia costs, call Valley Anesthesia Associates at 425.353.3788.